Aquasports 2025 - Price Update

We are pleased to announce that the cost for Aquasports 2025 will remain the same as for 2024, £485.00.
We are conscious that the rising costs of the past couple of years have made it more challenging for some to attend. As Trustees and Team we are striving to do our best to make Aquasports as affordable and accessible as possible whilst ensuring the future of camp, because we know how life changing meeting Jesus is. To this end we have been able to reduce some costs by careful spending, have re negotiated some contracts and reviewed budgets. However, the main impact on our finances has been the generous gifts received and we are very thankful to God for this provision and to our supporters for their generosity.
In addition, if you came to camp in 2024 you can have a discount of 10% and if there is more than one young person coming to camp from the same household, there is also the offer of 10% discount.