Aquasports relies on its dedicated team and supporters in order to be able to run each year.

Camp is amazing, and seeing young people come to know Jesus is priceless. However, camp does require a lot of time, energy and money to continue. There are lots of ways you could be involved in supporting Aquasports. Why not see what you could do…

Financial Support

  • Why? – Gifts from our kind supporters help us to invest in Aquasports and therefore the lives of the Young People who come. We use gifts to invest in equipment or to support our bursary fund. Gifts help us keep the cost of camp down with booking fees set to cover just the running costs of the holiday.
  • Bursary fund – Gifts also allow us to help young people who would normally be unable to afford to attend Aquasports come and experience this magnificent holiday and find out more about Jesus. It is such a blessing do do this.
  • Giving Regularly – Regular gifts help us plan and make decisions more easily. As well as supporting investment in equipment, or supporting the bursary fund, they  also help us guarantee that we can meet our financial obligations; for example, if we have low numbers one year or sudden inflation. If you feel able, please do setup a standing order or direct debit and become a financial supporter of Aquasports and God’s work here.
    • A standing order is an instruction from you to your bank instructing them to give Aquasports a donation of a fixed amount of money at regular (fixed) intervals.
    • With a a Direct Debit, Aquasports (through our partner CAF) asks permission from you to ‘pull’ agreed gifts from your account on a recurring basis.
  • Give a One-Off Gift – If you are not able to commit to giving regularly, but feel called to donate to the work of Camp, we would also welcome a one off gift.
  • Gift-Aid – If you are UK Tax payer, with any gift we can claim gift aid. Please do complete a gift Aid form and email it back to us.

What could your money provide?

  • £10 (<£1 per month) – Could fund a set of Bible reading notes for a camper for a year.
  • £50 (<£4.50 per month) – Could buy a new buoyancy aid or wetsuit. With safety equipment, it is vital that we check the kit every year, and replace any items which fail the tests we carry out.
  • £120 (<£10 per month) – Helps us build funds to pay for things such as new kitchen equipment.
  • £240 (<£20 per month) – Helps us support a young member of team serving at Aquasports.
  • £500 (<£42 per month) – Could pay for a young person to come to camp. We have some campers who are not able to financially afford to pay for their place at Camp. Your support could give them a bursary place so they can experience the amazing loving family that is Aquasports, and draw closer to God.

We want to see more young people experience Aquasports and running an adventure activities holiday with all we offer means that the cost of Aquasports is for some expensive.  We want to build a bursary fund that allows us to help more young people come and hear about the good news of Jesus and experience all that Aquasports has to offer.

Give Now!

Standing Order

Standing orders are generally free of charge for for both giver and receiver. They are easy to set up and you can cancel, or change the amount or payment date at anytime.

To set up a standing order an instruction needs to be sent to your bank. This can easily be done through online or telephone banking. To do this you will need our bank details which are:

Bank: The Co-operative Bank
Account Name: The Aquasports Cross Trust
Sort Code: 0 8 – 9 2 – 9 9
Account Number: 6 7 2 8 4 9 5 3
Reference: General Donation or Bursary Fund gift

Direct Debit

Direct Debits are simple to set up and allow you to make changes easily to your regular gifts by just contacting us and instructing us to make a change.

  • Direct Debits are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee, which protect you from your money from being taken in error.
  • There is typically a small charge to Aquasports to retrieve gifts, however, our partner CAF also manages the giftAid so it keeps our admin down.

We partner with CAF to allow us to offer this option. If you woudl like to use this options please go to:

Gift Aid

By claiming Gift Aid we can make you donation go further. Please do complete a Gift Aid form, which you down load here, print it, sign it, take a picture of it and email it back to us at We will then identify your gifts and claim back the tax.

Thank you!

Give a One-Off Donation

Giving a one off donation goes towards us investing in the future of Aquasports. We may use your donation to support our Bursary fund, or help with purchasing new equipment.

Every penny goes towards this important work of bringing the Gospel to young people.

We have two way you can give: 1. through PayPal giving (no fee); or 2. through CAF (3.6% fee). CAF can automatically collect giftaid, if you use PayPal giving please do complete a giftaid form and send it to us.

Promote Camp

The best way for people to know about Aquasports is when people tell them about it! Camp only continues to run as long as we continue to have campers to run it for. There are a few ways that you could help us promote Aquasports;

  • Speaking in your church and to your young people about Aquasports
  • Share our promotional video
  • Get in touch and we can send you some flyers to hand out to anyone who might be interested.
  • Follow us on Social Media – Find us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube where you can keep up to date with all things Aquasports and share the fun to your own social media.

Prayer Support

  • Pray – We only keep doing what we do because we have the blessing of God. If you believe in the work of Aquasports then please use these prayer notes. It is so important to us that we are supported by a group of committed prayer warriors to help make sure that God’s will is done at Aquasports.


Join Our Supporters’ Email List – If you would like to be kept up to date with what’s going on, why not join our mailing list. You will receive periodic updates on the work of Aquasports, as well as any specific needs we may have that you could help out with. Simply sign up below.

We promise not to send you tons of emails, but we hope that you want to keep hearing how you can support the work of Aquasports, and what you can pray for as we continue to partner in Him. We are bound by the General Data Protection Regulations and as such you can unsubscribe anytime.